2024 MCSCI Child Ambassador
Shemaiah Wicker is 17 years old, and he is Martin Center Sickle Cell Initiative 2024 Youth Ambassador
- Shemaiah was born in the City of Indianapolis Indiana.
- Shemaiah was born with Sickle Cell SC, early on in his life he spent many weeks in the hospitals but always kept a positive viewpoint.
- Shemaiah is a junior at Lawerence North High School where he currently attends classes.
- He participates in E sports, and he is a trainee counselor in the Silver Moon Camp program, advocates for the disadvantages young people and is compassionate about sickle cell patients.
- One of his main reasons for applying to be the Youth Ambassador was his drive to bring awareness of how sickle cell disease impacts their lives.
- His mission has been to reach out to as many people and make them aware of the issues that people with sickle cell disease deal with daily. Shemaiah enjoys spending time with his family and friends.
- In his spare time, he indulges in building special projects with Explore the World with Lego games.